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Help Shape Our Library's Future: Share Your Feedback in Our Community Survey

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Love the Library? Want to Make It Even Better? Have Ideas for Awesome Events?

Join our Teen Advisory Board (TAB) and make a difference!

Our Mission: To represent teen interests, encourage leadership and creativity, foster community engagement, and make a positive impact. TAB members work closely with the Teen Services Librarians to improve our library and create programs that serve local teens.

When We Meet: TAB meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM.

Teen Advisory Board Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the AHPL Teen Advisory Board (TAB)! Our TAB members and Teen Librarians are eager to hear from you. Important Notes: Be Honest: We value genuine and thoughtful answers. Make Your Answers Count: Stand out by sharing your unique perspective and ideas.

  • Tell Us About Yourself
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