What is Battle?
Battle of the Books is a friendly reading competition organized by the Auburn Hills Public Library to encourage teamwork, inspire accountability, and motivate students to read outside the classroom setting. Any fourth-grader or fifth-grader who attends an Avondale or Auburn Hills school or who is an Auburn Hills resident is invited to participate.
How Does it Work?
Readers create teams of 3-6 members, read from a selected list of titles (see below), and work together to prepare for the Final Battle quiz. books will be available at the school libraries, the Auburn Hills Public Library, and some are available digitally through the Libby or Hoopla apps.
How to Sign Up?
Interested readers should fill out the registration form located below. If you do not have a team, fill out the registration form anyway, and we will work with you and your school to try to connect you with a group.
Please have registration forms submitted by no later than Friday, January 24. Team Coaches should submit an official TEAM REGISTRATION form by Friday, January 31.
Registration for the 2025 Battle of the Books is open from December 1 – January 24.
Questions about Battle of the Books registration?